I forgot my camera so had to rely on someone sending me these photos over the e mail.
Gilda and Nila made some wonderful Christingles for us.
Gilda and Nila made some wonderful Christingles for us.
Our Parson and his wife was visiting family in Ireland so it was up to us! The good news was we had no sermon :O).
The artificial lights were put out and we had our service by candle light.
We had a visitor from Scandinavia, he played the guitar and sang Silent night, the first verse was in his own language, the second was Latin the third was German and then we all sang it through in English of course! No photo :O(
After singing several other carols we had visitors (a brother and sister) from Indonesia, they sang four songs and apologised that they were about to sing Silent night again in FOUR different languages again! Their own, English, Dutch, Malaysian. Again I have no photo.
The three singers were very good, especially the man who had such a rich voice, it was wonderful to hear that beautiful carol in six different languages as well as ours. They all had the same tune except the German one.
We were allowed to bring the Christingles home so I have copied them for our Spanish neighbours; this is what we gave them. I used Dates and chocolate and poor Dave's liquorice all-sorts as I did not have any other sweets :O(
Also I did them for our Christmas meal.
As usual our babies were allowed on this one occasion to eat their meal from the table, before we did I hasten to add!
Note their Little presents! At first they refuse to eat and look so innocent, once they realise it is OK there is no stopping them. Tiny was with us this year and she was not going to be left out, she would not sit to close to ours so I had to move Toff along a bit. Jeanette will be very surprised at Tiny, she is so scared and timid. She really loves it with us and the babies; she soon becomes one of the pack! She settles down immediately the front door is closed behind Jeanette. Just look at Toff licking her lips at the Trifle in the photo below, waiting for permission to eat it!.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day and enjoyed all your company.
Tina xx