Saturday, August 25, 2007

Poor Toff

This was taken with Jeanette's camera she gave me and then I took a photo of the screen :O)

I cannot write a blog as I am looking after Toff who believe it or not is still very sleepy and keeps falling when she tries to walk. Poor little Toff, can you see her sore little mouth?

Thank goodness Jeanette and Brian were around to help us. They took money in case the vet would not except a card, they did thank goodness. I shall have to hope Jeanette and Brian are around on Monday morning for another lift to the vets.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

My new camera

This is the front of the camera

This is the side view, a guard pops out to protect viewer screen from Light. When we were out for the day I could not see a thing on my screen but Jeanette could see everything :O)

What a lucky girl I am, and what a great friend I have in Jeanette.


Jeanette has also brought her Lexmark 3400 printer for me to borrow until we can afford to get one. It Prints of course and Photocopies, scans, prints photos directly from a camera photo card, it also faxes, and e-mails directly from printer.


Unfortunately she cannot find the software so I cannot install it yet. I am looking after Tiny for them tonight and tomorrow. They will be back late so I shall have to be patient and wait until Saturday when Jeanette has promised to re search for the software. Once I have it up and running Leeta, I can print all those lovely decoupage sheets.

Tina Spain

Our day out with Brian and Jeanette

Jeanette Brian Dave and I went out for the day yesterday. We had a wonderful day. Nothing went wrong at all this time :O) Jeanette has not come over yet so I am doing this on my own, I therefore cannot tell you where we went. Lol Jeanette has just arrived and says it was Fortuna (You are none the wiser are you?)

It was of course beautiful as usual, the lakes this time were green! not the slimy green, true clear water but very green. You can see it's clear as the rocks show through it!!

The skies were very blue but with light cloud turning the sky to white :O), It wasn't far from where we live as it was not a long journey.

Some photos for you.

Dave suddenly disappeared; Jeanette spied him as almost a red dot in the distance and took these photos with her very nice camera, mine isn't good enough for long shots. See if you can see him?

Jeanette zoomed the camera up for this shot!!!

Dave came back with theses bones, especially for Livvie to look at.

Dave came back to get me, he said there was wonderful views, I went as high as I could he he

See what I mean about postcard bums of yesteryear?

oooh I have got to stop this blog now, Jeanette will do some at hers, as she has just come in with a brand new camera! Wow it's lovely. She spied it out shopping the other day and has been working Brian ever since! (he still loves her as it has only been eleven weeks since their wedding) so she got it B U T I have also gained because she has given me her beautiful camera that took all these photos, I can't believe it and cannot spend one more second telling you as I have just got to learn all about it. Some gorgeous photos coming one thinks O)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here is my Beautiful Hannah and Handsom Ben

Jo's Mum with Pip
Notice poor Gizzie in both pictures squashed up :O)