Thought I might tell you a little bit about our famous Salt lakes, we pass them every time we do a shop! We have them at Torrevieja and Orihuela, (the Orihuela lake is called ‘lagoons of La Mata’ they are famous for their salt production. This is a photo I took when we were last there of the pink lake and the Hugh lumps of salt that look much like snow
As you drive into Torrevieja it is so impressive and fascinating to see the huge salt mountains piled up outside the salt storage. Torrevieja and Orihuela produce each year more than half a million tons to be used as rough salt or refined salt for your table! (Think of us when you use your salt and pepper next time). Next time I shop in Torrevieja I will take some photos of the huge salt lakes surround the road down from Alicante and the mountains of salt. Here is a photo of the salt being taken out to sea to the large boats.
The most delightful site of all is the beautiful Flamingos you see basking in the pink salt lake. Dave and I were wondering if the reason Flamingos are pink is because of the bright pink salt lake they swim and eat in. Here is a photo of Paul and Kirstie about to try ‘the floating thing’
The salt lakes and Orihuela is said to be, by the World Health Organisation one of the healthiest climates on the planet, and we live here! Yes we do, take a look at our address. Orihuela-Costa. :O) This is a photograph of our sun sets.
Wish someone would tell Dave that and stop him falling and hurting himself all the time!
The following information is taken from a pamphlet.
The middle of the thirteenth century saw the first crown licenses granted to the residents of the nearby town of Orihuela to harvest salt.
Remember, this was an era where salt was a scarce and coveted resource. By the end of the middle ages La Mata, together with Ibiza, became the most important centre of salt production in the kingdom of Aragon. In fact, even today salt is extracted commercially from the lagoons. Nowadays, the water is allowed to heat up in La Mata lagoon, but the actual extraction of the salt takes place in Torrevieja lagoon, to where the water is transferred by means of an artificial channel. Because of the high salinity of the lakes there is little aquatic vegetation.
Tina. Spain