Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hospital visit

As some of you are aware both Dave and I have been with Ernie and Mary at the hospital for a period of two weeks. We arrive early morning and leave late afternoon. I have been supplying them with sandwiches and hot coffee! I must say they was a delight to be with, they are both such darlings, although they do not appreciate this themselves :O)

We were returning from just one of these visits and both feeling a little tired on Friday 4th at about nine pm. I started to make the dinner and Dave sat down, at about 9.15 Dave suddenly said “No dinner for me Tiny, my tummy is aching” that was the start of all the pain that worsened as the evening got later. By about 11 Dave said he was going to bed, we both thought at that time that he had very bad wind. The pain was very high in the middle of the stomach just in-between his ribs and also in the right side of the neck. I have often had such bad wind that it affects my neck, so I thought that this was perhaps what was wrong with Dave.

I gave Dave a windeze but the pain did not let up, I sat up with him whilst he was propped in a sitting position in bed, he did not go to sleep at all and was moaning a little.

I wanted to call an ambulance but Dave said it was probably wind (As Dave is one of those luck individuals that have never suffered an ear ache, muscle pain, heart burn or much of any other pain he was not sure as to what this was.)

My dear friend Sheila

I decided to phone Sheila, who speaks fluent Spanish; she is a member of our Church. I waited until eight am before phoning. she told me she would be straight over.

We were in the hospital by 8.45 and Dave was seen right away by a doctor who told us that he had a high fever, his blood pressure was fine. He was immediately transferred to another room to await a specialist, I was not aloud in but Sheila went with him.

I could not understand it; people were coming in with broken bones, cuts and bangs and were also going through that double door into the room that Dave had disappeared in but coming back out with plasters etc. Still no sign of Dave, I waited for 4.1/2 hours! Eventually I went up to the guard (there were two blocking the double doors) everyone argued to go in with their loved ones: O(

He seemed to understand me and disappeared through the doors, he returned about ten minutes later saying my friend will come and see me. Very shortly Sheila returned full of apologies, saying she had not been able to leave Dave as he was having many tests and seeing a few doctors! She said he was being looked after very well and had already had x-rays, scans, heart monitors, blood and seen several doctors and had many other tests. He was evidently Jaundice.

Sheila returned through the double doors again leaving me scared and alone.

Eventually she re appeared and said I may now replace her, there was nothing further she could do as Dave was waiting to go up to the ward!

At last I was aloud through the illusive doors, I was greeted by a very long corridor with cubicles that had curtains closed down each side. I did not have a clue as to where Dave was. I had no other option then to peep in all of then until I found Dave about half way up! He was sitting by a bed looking very sorry for him self. He did look a bit yellow now that I looked! A bit later a nurse came in and got him into bed.

Very soon after that another nurse came in and wired him all up ready for a heart monitor I think. He had wires clipped to ankles, arms, and chest.

I managed to take a quick photo of the chart before she disappeared with it :O) As soon as she left Dave got out of bed as it was far too painful to lay flat, she returned to attach a drip to his arm, smiling at him and pointing to the bed, Dave said (in sign language) that it was painful so she just nodded and left him sitting.

After a doctor came in and spoke to us in broken English Dave was taken along many corridors and up lifts to the ward. Well you cannot really call it a ward; he was put in a very large clean and bright private room. This was the new hospital that has only recently been built.

We were not sure if this was where he was going to stay or what was going to happen to him, we were not even sure if he was staying the night!

This is a view of the hall in the room, far door is the door into the room, to the left of the photo is the double wardrobe and shelves and to the right is the door into a large room that houses a shower/toilet and sink.

Thank you for reading this. I will do some more tomorrow.



Anonymous said...
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Babs (Beetle) said...

Dave looks terrible. I'm surprised you took photos when he was so ill. It wouldn't have entered my head.

That lady looks like a cross between you and Jeanette!

weechuff said...

What a shock it must have been to you both. A really worrying time. Thank goodness you had someone who could speak Spanish, or it could have been very awkward, and perhaps dangerous for Dave, as they would have taken much longer to find out what was wrong with him I assume, and time was of the essence.

Croom said...

Yes it made everything so much easier, especially as Sheila is a very special person and was so kind and loving and gave her time and care for nothing.

Gary said...

That was so well written Auntie T. Even though I know the outcome I am on the edge of my seat waiting for more!!! I bet poor Uncle Dave was scared waiting to hear what was wrong with him? :0(
When you next see Sheila, give her a big kiss of thanks from your neice in England for being so kind to her Uncle and Auntie. XXXXX

granny grimble said...

That is so well written Tina. Very informative, though as Babs says, I'm surprised you managed to take photos, but glad you did!
Poor David, Has he seen all the photos! It's great to know that he overcame it all and is now on the mend. Give him my love XX