Some of you are aware that our Pastor Rafael and his wife Mary and four children will be going to America (there home town) for one year. They are missionaries and evidently have financial support from various Churches in America, they have to return once every four years to visit each Church and share what has been done with the donations.
They will also be having ‘much needed time out’ to be with their families. Rafael will be pasturing his home town Church whilst they are in town with family as the town has lost its pastor. Mary was telling me that not one of them want to go at all, they have very tearful days indeed, but it must be done. The return to Spain will also be tinged with sorrow as they will be leaving their two elder daughters in college in America for two years.
Again my sister’s were aware I made them a card to present them on the night of the party.
They were thrilled with it and thought it a great reminder of the ‘family’ they will be leaving behind. It was a total surprise to them. Here is the card for those who have not seen it. It represents the inside of the Church hall. I remembered making one very similar for my Brother Bill and thought I may use the idea once again.
The evening was great and a lot of fun was had by all. The food was fantastic, I was given some chicken legs and delicious cream cake to take home with me, the chicken will do us a treat over the next three/four meals. It has been separated and frozen.
We played lots of fun games, and guess what? I came 1st in the quiz game, yes it is true. I had the most points out of the whole Church! What Tina I hear you say.
Irene Maria asked hands to be put up if anyone had over 300 point. No hands then 200 no hands then 175.Mine shot up and to my amazement I was the only hand. The last question gained me 100 points. :O) The question that won me the first prize was ‘Give yourselves ten points for each ring you are wearing on your hands’ 100 points!!!! I only had up to that point a measly 75 points. Lol
Here is a photo of Rafael Mary and myself with card.
Tina Spain
I would have won too - I also have ten rings on :O)
he he he we are alike ah Babs xxxx
What sort of quizz is that! You'd have to be pretty dim not to know how many rings you were wearing, You were probably the only one who wears so many rings. One for each digit Wow! Shame your picture cut out part of your words but it sounded like a very successful party, Didn't your card look great, and what a lovely way to take and keep their memories of Span and friends. That was a great idea of yours. Well done all round!
Well done Tina,I knew everyone would think your card was great, you put a lot of work and thought in into it.Go to the top of the class gal.
He He Leeta, the question about the rings was a silly question thrown in at the end BUT it was the one that made me win!! I wear grannies wedding ring along side it my wedding ring after that Aunt Sissy wedding ring and the an engagement ring All on the one finger.(4) I wear another ring on the finger next to it.(1) My right hand is much the same only the fine rings are not actually wedding rings, one silver you gave me and the other one a fine blue one, Leeta brought me a thank you present on my last visit and I wear that on the same finger, another turquoise one. (3)A thumb ring (1) and a ring on the centre finger.(1) total ten rings!! I have SIX fingers free from rings lol
Wow! You could go for a record and wear at least another twelve!!!
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