Thursday, August 16, 2007

Getting ready for Hospital :O(

The bottle in the middle is the enema I have to administer to myself!!! The bottles either side are to be taken in a cold glass of water and sipped slowly to avoid vomiting :0(

Oh I cannot wait!!! what a thrill it is all going to be.
The diet starts tomorrow :O( I can eat grilled meat (I do not have a grill) pasta or rice, hard cheese, boiled white fish, biscuits without fibre, toast, filtered juice, Infusions, tea, coffee. Nothing else at all.
Saturday I am to eat rice or pasta, toast, biscuits without fibre. black coffee or black tea. water.
Sunday I am to have nothing but the sipped medication at ten, after 2pm I can have as much water as needed, nothing else until I take the 2nd bottle of water at 7pm in the afternoon (the afternoon stops at 9pm in Spain) sipping slowly to avoid vomiting. 9pm in evening as much water as needed. I think the few hours with no water after the medication must be to stop you bringing the lot up again! I do not like the bit that says 'slowly to stop vomit'
Water stops at midnight on Sunday and then nothing else until I have the 'exploration' at 12.30 apart from the much awaited enema!

Please pray for me that I only use one end of my body to get rid of the medication!! Preferably the part I am meant to use.

Unhappy Tina from Spain,


wishing she was from England and wishing she was having this blooming anima in hospital. I can't even reach my posterior when I am laying down!


Babs (Beetle) said...

Bit of a strange blog to put up for anyone and everyone to read ha ha ha!

It all sounds awfull to me and why aren't they sseing to all that in the hospital?

weechuff said...

When I had what you are having, all I had to take was a powder mixed with water the night before. With nothing to eat after about 6.00p.m. I think. It was really vicious, but that was all I had to do. Your lot sounds terrible. Good luck!!

granny grimble said...

Sounds like a version of Hell to me. I couldn't bear to have anything to do with something that even hinted that I might be sick!
Poor you, I hope that David is being very sympathetic and caring. Give me an English hospital, preferably a Sheffield one, every time!
Good luck

Croom said...

hehehe Babs, the only people that will read it is family and Jeanette, I don't mind at all, just to let you all know the difference with Spain to England. It is very different indeed. I cannot even go to Church on Sunday >:O(

Croom said...

Don't you remember Babs, that in Spain we do all the caring for our family or friends in Hospital? They do not have nursing staff as a general rule, they must have for those that have not got family.

Anyway this comes under 'caring' I suppose.

Gary said...

But anyone could look at your blog as we all have links on our blogs! Oh well, they don't know you anyway do they? :0)