Dave was out in the car when he had to stop at a cross road that was showing a stop sign, the car behind him did not! The chap was German and spoke no English so the whole thing was a bit of a night mare for Dave. He managed to get all the details.
Dave cannot understand why so much damage was done, or why the lamp was not smashed! You should see the other mans car according to Dave, it is completely smashed in, the Bonnet is jammed up and all sorts
When Dave managed to contact the Insurance people he was told that we will have to pay the first £200.00. My gast was truly flabbergasted as I thought it would be up to his side to pay ALL the expenses, apparently not.
We were saving to have the air con in the car mended and then my washing machine and then a printer! Ha it has all slipped back a couple more months now. Dave is frightened to leave the air con in the car as it was not just for our comfort we were having it repaired (and believe it when I say we need it with the outside over 100degrees. Not to mention the inside) it is to keep the car and engine cool or something, Dave said it is slowly being messed up.
The photos do not show the damage in half its glory.
The part that is damaged surrounds the entire bottom of the car and all the side and even the roof, it is one piece! The under bit will have to be replaced as well, so £200.00 will only be a drop in the ocean I think.
I have no washing machine, no printer, no Photoshop and no car for a week, not to mention any money!!!!! That does not sound bad when you just type it does it BUT. Washing by hand in this heat is not funny, not being able to print any inserts for birthday cards or anything else we want to print is a very big nuisance and not having Photoshop to make my photos small enough for me to put on the blog is just another pain! I have to put it all on my flash and cart around to Jeanette’s for her to let me do it on her computer! She is a blessed ark angel.
The one good thing in all this is that Dave was not hurt, you know his track record. He hit his head this morning on…wait for it….The flipping fridge door! I heard the bang and then the Oh, when I rushed in he was hopping around (as only a man can do, when he gets a little bump) anyway the fridge door was wide open, he he, whilst getting a beer out he stood up and hit his head on the top of the door, ha ha he he, sorry Dave I just cannot help laughing, he still had his head inside the fridge!! Lol
Oh well it is all sent to try us, the world is a horrid place and we are NOT in that place so we have to count our blessings ah? I am happy with my lot, warts and all. :O)
Tina. Spain
Oh, your poor car! I can't understand it? I have never heard of the person whose car is damaged through no fault of his own, having to pay anything!! Is this a Spanish insurance?
Your photos certainly show a far more picturesque outlook to do your shopping. I bet the inside of Lidls is the same old shabby shop as we have isn't it?
You are not making the claim, therefore they can't make you pay any excess. Your insurance company isn't footing the bill! It would be theft if they made you. I've never heard of anything so ridiculous! You must have it wrong Tina. The claim isn't going through your insurance, but the person's who caused the accident!
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