Thursday, August 2, 2007

Contents of my bag

Purse / empty
Pen perfume holder
mini brush in holder for in-between my teeth

thin sheet perspex for teeth
Perfume atomiser…empty
Intimate hygiene wipes
Note pad and pencil
Large safety pin
Three paper hankies
Two indigestion tablets
Silk string bag holding three earl grey tea bags
Three IBS tabs
One tablet for Miniars disease attack
One silver (is it called filigree) pill box
One lip shine
One hearing aid battery
One C.I.B.T.A.C calculator
One flat sewing kIT
One glasses cleaner spray & cloth
One flat magnetic address book (this is open partly)
Just look how flat they both are!
One glass nail file in case
One pair silver folding scissor
One St Christopher medal pinned in bag
One mobile phone
One double sided mirror
Pack of address cards I made
One Barclays Visa card
One Regimen Comunitario Residente card with my finger prints

One Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea card (Holds all my details Spain has given me)


Babs (Beetle) said...

Nowhere near the amount in leeta's and Sandie's bags! Quite reasonable I would say.

weechuff said...

I think I will try and take the plunge, and do as Babs says. Don't use a handbag! Trouble is, Lennie often forgets his wallet, and without mine, we couldn't pay for anything!

granny grimble said...

I am so going to do something about this bag thing. I couldn't go without, as Arthur doesn't and couldn't take charge of anything except the front door keys. I have to have a purse and a wallet,a phone, hankies and spare keys in case Arthur loses his! I don't really need all the rest of the tat that I cart around. I am going to find a small handbag that won't take more than the bare essentials and give it a go.

Croom said...

Sandie and Leeta, read the new contents once you have 're organised' your bags please :O)

granny grimble said...

You have the same telephone numbers book as me. I think you bought me mine from Thailand didn't you? I love that little silver pill box. Isn't it pretty Tina? I shal gladly let you al see my new bag contents list, when I have done my 'cold turkey'